
About Me


My name is Sarah, and I’m so happy you’re here! 

I consider myself a strategic creative, and SarahStella is my dream job come true.  When it comes to my work, I believe in having fun, being authentic, and discovering greatness.  I have an amazing network of colleagues and clients in a wide variety of industries, and if there’s something I can’t do, I can help you find the person who can!

I grew up in Albuquerque, NM.  After leaving for college and traveling the world,  I landed in Las Vegas, NV.  After living the fabulous Vegas life for 11 years, I moved back to Albuquerque in 2013 and launched SarahStella shortly afterwards!  

Sarah graduated from New Mexico State University with a degree in Journalism and minors in Marketing and Documentary Photography.  Before launching SarahStella, she worked in the nonprofit industry for 13 years.

my family is everything!

I treasure my family and truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world.  This man of my dreams and I have two little ones together, and I also have two beautiful step-daughters.  My twenty-something self would really be shocked – I never imagined myself as a mother (or a wife, for that matter), but that just goes to show we don’t always know what’s good for us.  Being a mom and step-mom has been the greatest joy of my life! 

sarah + stella

And THIS is my lovely mom!  Her name is Estelle, which is where the “Stella” comes from in SarahStella.  She is an angel on earth and brightens the life of anyone who knows her…luckiest girl ever right here! 

She has always encouraged my creative side and SarahStella would not be possible without her encouragement and support.  I love you mama!